Engage with us, our team, our stakeholders and our sponsors
Our association brings together committed people and organizations, and brings together talents. We are all global ambassadors.
Who is "In To Water for ?
Our special features : You !
Our special features : You !
We are all talents! Especially if we consider that we are made with more than 70 % water !
Indeed, let us remember that one of our flagship programs is FWCP (Federative Water Consciousness Program). It is a true interdisciplinary federating entity (see appendix page: our programs).
Let us also remember the "Water Drop Principle", the exchange of information between the different agents coming from different horizons.).
Our srength is union, like water, we gather. Imagine what a stream gathers when it flows to bring it to its final destination.
Thus by working with" In To Water", your skills will be deployed in concert with the many other talents that other members bring. We all become ambassadors:
• Scientists
• Public education / educational school, university,
• Health workers
• Artists,
• Companies: engineers etc
> Transform the aggressor by helping
> Ex Coca cola> use of plastic bottles? Change
* Who to target : Consumer industry
- food
- plastic
= CSR Corporate social responsibility
• Local authorities.
Town halls, departments, ...
• Urban architects: water gardens.
i.e. G8 be friendly in Canada >> G 20
• NGO ...
Politics: Nicolas Hulot. (46, 3 D)
• Transport: aeronautics, ...
• Media: general public and specific
• General population
Stay-at-home mothers, children, new generation, ...
Our Current Membership ?
- Lionel Altier, France, Canada and Brazil: communications advisor.
- Pete Clark, France, Ireland : english communication advisor and musician.
- Elyse Chadwick, France, Ireland : english communication advisor
- Thierry Robbe, France: webmaster.
Pascal Lorent, France: underwater cameraman.
Juliette Duquesne, France: committed journalist.
And more to come !
Francis José Maria, Gulf of St Tropez, France: education/pedagogy advisor.
Ricardo Petrella, Belgium and Italy: political pole advisor.
Philippe Derruder, Canada: International economist.
Calixto Suarez, Colombia: leader of the Arhuaco people.
Shri Hanuman, France and India: artist and philosopher.France, Canada et Brésil : conseiller de communication.
Who are the stakeholders ?
Industry and companies involved in respecting and preserving water and its reserves,
You as « Talent » !
Who is a sponsor ?
" The right person !
For In To Water, a sponsor is one who sees the essential in every action we should take, perfection in every action we should make and brings kind attention to every hope we bring. She or He is teh right messenger who arrives at the right time !
The team of the "In To Water" association and FWCP (Federative Water Consciousness Program) would like to thank you for your interest in these projects. Indeed, water-related issues are becoming unavoidable and we all need to expand our capacity for action.
Everyone is an actor in their area of expertise and it is by unifying our efforts that our innovative projects can take place and have the chance to succeed.
The FWCP program is hosted by the "In To Water" association which promotes events bringing together people specializing in all aspects of water, to inform the general public, transmit knowledge and above all engage together in actions to protect water, vital element.
Accessibility to the means allowing this actions is necessary. This is why we consider any financial contributions to be very valuable. You can send us your donations, a receipt allowing you to deduct the donation from your taxes will be returned to you.
You as "Talent"
You will immediately receive the title of AMBASSADOR of the association and will be invited to each of the events. Your opinions, whether given face-to-face or over the Internet, will be taken seriously into account.
Word of In To Water:
How to make a donation ?
Simply go to a secure national site which will guide you in your process :
Thank you for your loyalty.
Do not hesitate to give feedback on your impressions, ideas for improvement or participation to : contacts@intowater.org
Florence Pittolo for the FWCP team, In To Water association.
TAXES: a receipt allowing you to subtract donations from your taxes will be returned to you on request.
Type of donation :
- « Grain of sand » : Give whatever you can afford.
- « Lady turquoise » : Offer the water lady a monthly payments (from 100 Euros mensuel).
- « Queens Eternal » : Offer an unalterable adornment by allowing the In To Water team to meet its needs and deploy its qualities thanks to stability (from 5000 euros per year).
- « Yes To Water » : respond to our calls for special events or exceptional needs of InToWater.
Our needs include the following assistance:
- Financing,
- Locating Offices or work premises. You may be able to help in terms of permises, which saves us rental costs.
- And even in giving us some of your time and skills :
secretarial, accounting, coordinator ( preparation of events), journalists and cameraman.
- Communication : website management and communication strategies,
i.e utilising social media, (a Facebook account needs to be created).
We thank you for reading this.
What we need most is your trust in us and above all in yourselves.
Anyone can become a conscious actor in molding the world that we are co-creating.
Us Humans can take up our rightful place and regain our conscience becoming a healthy and positive link in the chain of life.
Our deepest calling is to fulfill the role of co-creator with Life this time so that we can establish a new myth for humanity, one that ends well and keeps on walking ahead.
Let us support together the principle of the drop of water
"Life takes care of Life".